
The Northern California Peace Corps Association is a member-driven and led organization.  Our volunteer-led board is always open to talking with representatives from other organizations about how we might connect RPCVs to new careers, interesting events and experiences, opportunities to share their service, mission-aligned communities, and new opportunities. 

Many organizations reach out to us throughout to year to discuss partnerships. If you are a NorCalPCA member you are always welcome to post an event on our events calendar, so long as it follows our guidelines.  Additionally, you can also share any item that may be of interest to the the RPCV community on our facebook page, which is a lightly-moderate open forum for discussion.

Partnerships are board-approved agreements establishing cross-promotional relationships, discounts, resource sharing, or initiatives with NorCalPCA.  If you are interested in exploring a partnership with NorCalPCA you please email [email protected]

Current Partnerships

Hostelling International USA

In 2019 the Northern California Peace Corps Association and Hostelling International USA agreed on a partnership based upon the shared values of the two non-profits. Hostelling International makes space (storage and event space) available at no cost to the association and NorCalPCA will assist Hostelling International in recruiting NorCalPCA members to serve on their Explore the World Scholarship committee. The complete partnership agreement between Hostelling International and NorCalPCA may be read here.

If you would like to serve on Hostelling International’s Scholarship review committee please email [email protected]

National Peace Corps Association

In 2015 the Northern California Peace Corps Association and the National Peace Corps Association agreed to share the same technology for our membership databases. This has allowed members to sign up for affiliate groups as well as the National Peace Corps Association directly from our site, and vice-versa.

Past Partnerships

Commonwealth Club of California

As part of Peace Corps’ Third Goal of “bringing the world back home” to educate Americans about developing nations, NorCalPCA partnered with the Commonwealth Club of California on a number of programs organized by the Club’s International Relations Member-Led Forum.

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